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AAFM ™ Board of Standards, Academy, and Fellows. AAFM.US
Jones International University®
DENVER (February-22-2005) - Jones International University®, Ltd. (JIU®), announced today that the Board of Standards of the American Academy of Financial Management™ (AAFM™) will accept any graduate from the JIU MBA program with a major in Finance as educationally qualified for their Master Financial Professional™ (MFP™) designation and board certification.
JIU’s MBA in Finance students are eligible to apply to the MFP program upon graduation, and will then be required to abide by the AAFM Code of Professional Ethics and agree to obtain 15 hours of continuing education per calendar year.
“This is a great alliance for JIU and a wonderful opportunity for MBA students who specialize in finance to enhance their careers,” said Dr. Richard Thompson, academic chair of business administration for Jones International University.
AAFM is a worldwide Board of Standards for financial professionals and executives, with members in more than 100 countries. It grants board certification and post-nominal graduate designations and credentials to eligible candidates.
AAFM offers primary designations and certifications in:
·Wealth Management
·Portfolio Management
·Estate Planning
·Asset Management
·Financial Specialist
·Market and Financial Analyst
Each is listed on the NASD Investor Education and Financial Designations website.
AAFM is listed in the U.S. Department of Labor’s financial professional associations section of the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Additionally, its Board of Standards and Designations were recently featured in the Wall Street Journal. AAFM is the first financial graduate organization in the world to have global alliances with several accreditation associations.
For additional information about Jones International University’s MBA in Finance degree program, and its other degree programs and certificate offerings, please visit
About Jones International University
As the pioneer in online education, Jones International University, Ltd. (JIU) provides quality online education for busy adults around the globe. It employs the brightest minds from the world’s leading universities, including Oxford University, Columbia University, and Thunderbird, the Garvin School of International Management to create highly relevant and practical learning experiences that help people advance their careers and enhance their lives. As the first fully online, accredited university, JIU offers 16 graduate and undergraduate degree specializations and more than 25 certificate programs in the fields of business administration, education, and business communications. Visit
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News: AAFM World Financial Conference - News: The AAFM are global sponsors of the IX IFC International Finance Conference, this time to be held in Buenos Aires, Argentina Sept. 7-11th 2009 . Please visit the Conference’s website at: Conferencia Internacional De Finanzas
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