AAFM ® Accredited Programs

1000+ Accredited Exam Programs Worldwide - Accredited Degree Programs as a Path to AAFM ® Financial Designations

To Be Certified You must have an AAFM approved Degree and Exams from one of the 3 lists below or take one of our executive courses.

  1. ACBSP Accredited Programs
  2. AACSB Accredited Business Schools
  3. AAFM Accredited Finance Programs

The First to Sanction CHEA Business Accredited Education ™ and Exams


AAFM ® awards Certification to successful graduates of courses which are from an Accredited Business School or Law School. Further, AAFM ® is the first in the WORLD to have an alliance with an Accredited Law School. www.llmprogram.tjsl.edu

If you hold any of these 5 government recognized qualifications, please Apply and submit your evidence of your credentials. The AAFM ® American Academy is The First to Directly Recognize by Articulation the Highest Standards including: 1) Government Recognized Education, Exams, 2) ProgramsExams from Accredited Degree Programs or Institutions, 3) Government Licenses - CPA, FINRA, NASD, EA, Law Licenses, or related, 4) Courses and Exams from a Business School with Double Accreditation such as: Accredited Programs from: ACBSP, AACSB, or ABA Accredited Programs. This double accredited education is approximately the Top 15% percent of accredited business programs worldwide. See Below.

* Read Press and Benefits of ACBSP Membership. Certification Accreditation of ACBSP Double Accredited Programs and Exams

* AAFM is an AACSB International Professional Member who publicly recognized the AACSB Program - AAFM Mutual Recogition Letter AACSB in 2003

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